
2010年度「口腔環境制御研究」報告: 大阪大学歯学部
  1. Okahashi N, Nakata M, Sakurai A, Terao Y, Hoshino T, Yamaguchi M, Isoda R, Sumitomo T, Nakano K, Kawabata S, and Ooshima T. 2010. Pili of oral Streptococcus sanguinis bind to fibronectin and contribute to cell adhesion. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 391(2): 1192-1196.
  2. Nakagaki H, Sekine S, Terao Y, Toe M, Tanaka M, Ito H, Kawabata S, Shizukuishi S, Fujihashi K, and Kataoka K. 2010. Fusobacterium nucleatum envelope protein FomA is immunogenic and binds to the salivary statherin-derived peptide. Infect Immun 78(3): 1185-1192.
  3. Sumitomo T, Nakata M, Higashino M, Jin Y, Terao Y, Fujinaga Y, Kawabata S. 2011. Streptolysin S contributes to group A streptococcal translocation across an epithelial barrier. J Biol Chem 286(4): 2750-2761.
  4. Okahashi N, Nakata M, Terao Y, Isoda R, Sakurai A, Sumitomo T, Yamaguchi M, Kimura RK, Oiki E, Kawabata S, and Ooshima T. 2011. Pili of oral Streptococcus sanguinis bind to salivary amylase and promote the biofilm formation. Microb Pathog 50(3-4): 148-154.
  5. Matsumoto-Nakano M, Nagayama K, Kitagori H, Fujita K, Inagaki S, Takashima Y, Tamesada M, Kawabata S, and Ooshima T. 2011. Inhibitory effects of Oenothera biennis (evering primrose) seed extract on Streptococcus mutans and S. mutans-induced dental caries in rats. Caries Res 45(1): 56-63.
  6. Ogawa T, Terao Y, Sakata H, Ohkuni H, Ninomiya K, Ikebe K, Maeda Y, and Kawabata S. 2011. Epidemiological characterization of Streptococcus pyogenes isolated from patients with multiple onsets of pharyngitis. FEMS Microb Lett 318(2): 143-151.
  7. Ogawa T, Terao Y, Okuni H, Ninomiya K, Sakata H, Ikebe K, Maeda Y, and Kawabata S. 2011. Biofilm formation or internalization into epithelial cells enable Streptococcus pyogenes to evade antibiotic eradication in patients with pharyngitis. Microb Pathog 印刷中
  8. Furuta N, Fujita N, Noda T, Yoshimori T, and Amano A. 2010. Combinational soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor proteins VAMP8 and Vti1b mediate the fusion of antibacterial and canonical autophagosomes with lysosomes. Mol Biol Cell 21(6):1001-1010.
  9. Hokamura K, Inaba H, Nakano K, Nomura R, Yoshioka H, Taniguchi K, Ooshima T, Wada K, Amano A, and Umemura K. 2010. Molecular analysis of aortic intimal hyperplasia caused by Porphyromonas gingivalis infection in mice with endothelial damage. J Periodontol Res 45(3): 337-344.
  10. Kawai S, and Amano A. 2010. Odd-skipped related 2 is epigenetically regulated in cellular quiescence. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 396(4): 831-836.
  11. Kawai S, Abiko Y, and Amano A. 2010. Odd-skipped related 2 regulates genes related to proliferation and development. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 398(2): 184-190.
  12. Nakano K, Wada K, Nomura R, Nemoto H, Inaba H, Kojima A, Naka S, Hokamura K, Mukai T, Nakajima A, Umemura K, Kamisaki Y, Yoshioka H, Taniguchi K, Amano A, and Ooshima T. 2011. Characterization of aortic aneurysms in cardiovascular disease patients harboring Porphyromonas gingivalis. Oral Dis 印刷中
  13. Sugita A, Kawai S, Hayashibara T, Amano A, Ooshima T, Michigami T, Yoshikawa H, and Yoneda T. 2011. Cellular ATP synthesis mediated by type III sodium-dependent phosphate transporter Pit-1 is critical to chondrogenesis. J Biol Chem 286(4): 3094-3103.
  14. Takeuchi H, Furuta N, Morisaki I, and Amano A. 2011. Exit of intracellular Porphyromonas gingivalis from gingival epithelial cells is mediated by endocytic recycling pathway. Cell Microbiol 印刷中
  15. Inaba H, Tagashira M, Kanda T, and Amano A. 2011. Proliferation of smooth muscle cells stimulated with Porphyromonas gingivalis is inhibited by apple polyphenol. J Periodontol 印刷中
  16. Nakano K, Nomura R, Taniguchi N, Lapirattanakul J, Kojima A, Naka S, Senawongse P, Srisatjaluk R, Grönroos L, Alaluusua S, Matsumoto M, and Ooshima T. 2010. Molecular characterization of Streptococcus mutans clinical strains with gene encoding collagen-binding adhesin. Arch Oral Biol 55: 34-39.
  17. Nakano K, Nomura R, Matsumoto M, and Ooshima T. 2010. Cell-surface structures of novel serotype k Streptococcus mutans strains and correlation to virulence. J Pharmacol Sci 113: 120-125.
  18. Hokamura K, Inaba H, Nakano K, Nomura R, Yoshioka H, Taniguchi K, Ooshima T, Wada K, Amano A, and Umemura K. 2010. Molecular analysis of aortic intimal hyperplasia caused by Porphyromonas gingivalis infection in mice with endothelial damage. J Periodontal Res 45:337-344.
  19. Taniguchi N, Nakano K, Nomura R, Naka S, Kojima A, Matsumoto M, and Ooshima T. 2010. Defect of glucosyltransferases reduces platelet aggregation activity of Streptococcus mutans: Analysis of clinical strains isolated from oral cavities. Arch Oral Biol 55: 410-416.
  20. Nomura R, Naka S, Nakano K, Taniguchi N, Matsumoto M, and Ooshima T. 2010. Detection of oral streptococci with collagen-binding properties in saliva specimens from mothers and their children. Int J Paediatr Dent 20: 254-260.
  21. Nakano K, and Ooshima T. 2011. Common knowledge regarding prevention of infective endocarditis among general dentists in Japan. J Cardiol 57: 123-130.
  22. Fujita K, Takashima Y, Inagaki S, Nagayama K, Nomura R, Ardin AC, Grönroos L, Alaluusua S, Ooshima T, and Matsumoto-Nakano M. 2011. Correlation of biological properties with glucan-binding protein B expression profile in Streptococcus mutans clinical isolates. Arch Oral Biol 56: 258-263.
  23. Nakano K, Wada K, Nomura R, Nemoto H, Inaba H, Kojima A, Naka S, Hokamura K, Mukai T, Hata H, Toda K, Nakajima A, Umemura K, Kamisaki Y, Yoshioka H, Taniguchi K, Amano A, and Ooshima T. 2011. Characterization of aortic aneurysm of cardiovascular diseases patients with P. gingivalis occurrence. Oral Dis 印刷中
  24. Kato Y, Shirai M, Murakami M, Mizusawa T, Hagimoto A, Wada K, Nomura R, Nakano K, Ooshima T, and Asai F. 2011. Molecular detection of human periodontal pathogens in oral swab specimens from dogs in Japan. J Vet Dent 印刷中
  25. Nomura R, Nakano K, Mäkelä K, Vaara M, Salo E, Alaluusua S, and Ooshima T. 2011. Isolation and characterization of Streptococcus mitis from blood of child with osteomyelitis. Int J Paediatr Dent 印刷中
  26. Ardin AC, Nakano K, Yamana A, Okawa R, Naka S, Matsumoto M, and Ooshima T. 2011. Successful application of molecular biological technique for evaluation of changes in periodontopathic bacteria in Japanese children with developmental disabilities. Ped Dent J 印刷中
  27. Okawa R, Nakano K, Yamana A, Nishikawa N, Nakai M, Taniguchi M, Matsumoto M, and Ooshima T. 2011. Evaluation of factors related to nursing caries in 18-month-old Japanese children. Ped Dent J 印刷中
  28. Kuboniwa M, Inaba H, and Amano A. 2010. Genotyping to distinguish microbial  pathogenicity in periodontitis. Periodontol 2000 54: 136-159.
  29. Kuboniwa M, and Lamont RJ. 2010. Subgingival biofilm formation. Periodontol 2000 52: 38-52.
  30. Tanaka M, Toe M, Nagata H, Ojima M, Kuboniwa M, Shimizu K, Osawa K, and  Shizukuishi S. 2010. Effect of eucalyptus-extract chewing gum on oral  malodor: a double-masked, randomized trial. J Periodontol 81: 1564-1571.

  1. 天野敦雄教授(先端機器情報学教室)の研究グループはオートファジーの細菌の捕獲・分解機構の解析を行い、オートファジー側にVti1b(Q-SNARE)が、Lysosome側にVamp8(R-SNARE)が存在し、これらSNAREタンパク質が結合することにより、オートファゴソームの形成がなされることを明らかとした。この報告には大きな反響があり、2誌より総論執筆の依頼を得た(Mol Biol Cell 21(6):1001-1010,2010.)。また、Porphyromonas gingivalis は宿主細胞に侵入することが知られていたが、侵入したP. gingivalis の細胞内動態は不明であった。竹内らは歯肉上皮細胞に侵入後のP. gingivalis の動態について細胞生物学的検討を行い、歯肉上皮細胞に侵入したP. gingivalis は細胞機能障害を引き起こした後、細胞のリサイクリング経路を利用して細胞外へ脱出し、別の細胞に再侵入することが明らかとなった。これは歯周病が慢性化に至る分子基盤の一端を示す貴重な知見である(Cell Microbiol 印刷中)。
  2. 大嶋 隆教授(小児歯科学教室)の研究グループは、これまでに示してきた「Porphyromonas gingivalisによるコレステロール非依存性の血管内皮肥厚のメカニズム」における仮説に対して、浜松医科大学薬理学教室の梅村和夫教授の研究グループとともに行った動物実験によってその裏付けを得た。また、大阪労災病院心臓血管外科の谷口和博部長(大阪大学医学部臨床教授)の協力のもと、開胸手術時に摘出した大動脈瘤検体を用いて分子生物学的および免疫組織学的な検討を行った結果、これまでに示した仮説をさらに裏付ける結果を得た。これらの知見は関連専門誌に掲載されるとともに、Journal of Periodontology誌(2010年9月号)のResidents’ Journal Watchのコーナでも紹介された(J Periodontal Res 45:337-344,2010)。

  1. 竹内洋輝:2010年基礎歯科医学会総会、細菌学部門優秀ポスター発表賞
  2. 藤田一世:2010年度日本小児歯科学会奨励賞
    Fujita K, Matsumoto-Nakano M, Inagaki S, Ooshima T:Biological functions of glucan-binding protein B of Streptococcus mutans. Oral Microbiol Immunol 22: 289-292, 2007年10月
  3. 仲周平:2010年度日本小児歯科学会デンツプライ賞
    Naka S, Yamana A, Nakano K, Okawa R, Fujita K, Kojima A, Nemoto H, Nomura R, Matsumoto M, Ooshima T:Distribution of periodontopathic bacterial species in Japanese children with developmental disabilities. BMC Oral Health 9: 24, 2009年09月
  4. 小島あゆち: 2010年度日本小児歯科学会近畿地方会大会優秀発表賞
    小島あゆち、仲野和彦、野村良太、大嶋 隆:感染性心内膜炎予防に対する歯科医師における意識調査、第29回日本小児歯科学会近畿地方会, 2010.10.17, 枚方市(大阪府)
  5. 稲垣暁子: 2011年度日本小児歯科学会奨励賞(内定)
    Inagaki S, Matsumoto-Nakano M, Fujita K, Nagayama K, Funao J, Ooshima T:Effects of recombinase A deficiency on biofilm formation by Streptococcus mutans. Oral Microbiol Immunol 24: 104-108, 2009年04月
  6. 永田英樹:平成22年度日本口腔衛生学会賞“LION AWARD”
    Identification of the binding domain of Streptococcus oralis glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase for Porphyromonas gingivalis major fimbriae. Infect Immun 77(11):5130-5138, 2009年11月
